Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
Museum of Useless Efforts
This is an interdisciplinary research-creation project consisting of a museum installation that combines music, literature and sculpture from the point of view of uselessness. The narratives are made by the Semillero Sin - H, musicalized by the Semillero Musux and the materialization of objects was made by students of Product Design Engineering to provide a sensory and cognitive experience.
Knowing to heal
This is a Social Appropriation of Knowledge project developed by the Social and Political Psychology Seminar, the innovation area and the Children's University. The project addresses the influence of ideologies and emotions in our daily lives in order to implement conflict mediation practices that contribute to coexistence and the construction of a democratic society. The recent report of the Truth Commission is taken as a reference.
Design of a tool for self-diagnosis and repair of exomodular transtibial prostheses in Colombian agricultural sectors
This project aims to improve the quality of life of farmers with transtibial amputations through the design of a tool that allows early self-diagnosis of failures in their prosthesis, and subsequently, a possible repair or indications to repair the failure.
Campus flora
Informative strategy that brings the university community closer to the biodiversity with which they coexist to develop awareness of its value by creating a meaningful experience around biodiversity and based on botany.
Update on the retreat of tropical soft cliffs in Arboletes
The project calculates the retreat of the coastline of the Puerte Rey and Minuto de Dios sectors (Arboletes), through an updated orthophoto of the area of interest and digitized by DSAS software that allows identifying the trends of change of the line to understand the phenomenon and plan scientific and technological development solutions that will respond to the morphodynamic behavior of the area.
Cartesian robot for precision agriculture
The Agroindustry research seedbed is researching and building a robotic platform for the agricultural sector called AgriculBot. This robot makes it possible to automate the care of a crop in its early stages. Thanks to it, it is possible to obtain the radiance spectrum of the crop specimens analyzed in their initial stages of development.
Artificial intelligence could help to decongest the judicial system
The Procedural Law seedbed studied how expert systems and machine learning, technologies associated with artificial intelligence, could support the administration of justice in the processing of judicial processes, especially in the so-called executive processes, which are those aimed at guaranteeing a right that the plaintiff has already recognized.
Study of the digital holography technique
During its nine years of experience, the Holography seedbed has stood out nationally and internationally for developing projects related to analog holography. This is a technique that allows recording three-dimensional information of objects in a photosensitive material.
Analysis of models focused on service and responsible consumption
The Marketing Studies (Smart) seedbed investigated how manufacturing companies in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley and Bogotá advanced in the process known as "servitization", that is, how they changed from a business model centered on the product to a model centered on service.
Doing journalism in comics and with 360-degree cameras
The research and creation seedbed in Journalistic Narratives explores two emerging forms that the informative or non-fiction story is acquiring today. In a first project, it produces journalistic testimonies with victims and perpetrators of the Colombian armed conflict, experimenting in the production of videos with 360-degree images.