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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500


Innovation and technological development​

We stimulate the generation of knowledge for the tr​​ansformation of society and the solution of problems.


Scientific and technological consulting proje​​cts

Early Warning System of the Aburrá Valley​ (SIATA)

The project develops a regional strategy based on scientific knowledge, technological development, and innovation. Real time monitoring, hydrological and meteorological modeling adjusted to the territory, to identify and forecast the occurrence of natural and anthropic phenomena that alter the environmental conditions of the region, or may generate risks to the population, delivering timely information to citizens, coupled with educational processes and the development of Community Early Warning Systems - EWS, which enable the protection of life and the environment in the region.

Project leader: Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley

Coordinator: Ana Beatriz Acevedo-Jaramillo


Natech Aburrá Valley Metropoli​​tan Area

Design of a methodology to determine vulnerability indexes to Natech (Natural hazard-triggered Technological accidents) scenarios triggered by floods, mass movements, torrential floods, earthquakes and electrical discharges. It focuses on guiding territorial management to reduce the vulnerability index of fixed industrial facilities located in the Aburrá Valley that handle, transport or store substances that are considered hazardous (flammable, toxic or eco-toxic). In a Natech scenario, the release of these substances could trigger major accidents such as fires, explosions, dispersions, or contaminant spills.

Researcher: Gamboa-Ramírez, Marco.


Client: Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


​​Technology and knowle​dge transfer


Solar Collect​​or

Development of a solar drying system that, by means of direct heat flow from the sun's rays, decreases the usual drying time of clothes. This technology collects heat from solar radiation and transports it to a metal bulb that generates a flow of hot air for drying. Industries such as the textile industry can benefit from this innovative solution that reduces drying times by taking advantage of solar energy.

Contact: Marulanda-Bernal, José Ignacio -

Biomatest: Intestinal Microbi​​ome Analysis

Biomatest is a specialized diagnostic aid for intestinal health and nutritional status. It allows to know the composition of the gut microbial communities and how they influence and affect the health status of the individual. From the use of techniques such as metagenomic sequencing and metabolomic analysis, biological data are obtained and processed to generate a gut health report.

Contact: Laura Sierra-Zapata,

Ceiba S​olar

Development that transforms sunlight into energy and contributes to sustainability in public spaces. Ceiba Solar systems mimic the ability to transform sunlight into energy. By means of solar panels, the sun's rays are collected, and from a group of internal subsystems, energy is transformed and stored, which is then distributed through outlets installed at the base, easily accessible to passers-by. With this technology, squares, corridors, transport stations and other public spaces allow the installation of this system easily.

Contact: Alejandro Velásquez-López, 

Liib Biostimula​​nt: bio-input plant growth promoter

Biological solution used to promote plant growth from Bacillus subtilis EA-CB0575 spores that increase the availability of nutrients in crop soils, avoiding negative environmental impacts. With agro-industrial application in diverse crops such as banana, corn, soybean, wheat, tomato, among others.

Contact: Valeska Villegas-Escobar,  

Modular mechani​sm for cultivation and analysis of autotrophic microorganisms

Development of a mechanism for the analysis and cultivation of autotrophic microorganisms for the capture and transformation of carbon dioxide (CO2). This modular mechanism allows the rapid cultivation of organisms such as microalgae in different conditions, to evaluate their production of compounds of interest, as well as the capture of these combustion gases.

Contact: Alex Armando Sáez-Vega, 

Biomatest: Intestin​al Microbiome Analysis

Biomatest is a specialized diagnostic aid for intestinal health and nutritional status. It allows to know the composition of the gut microbial communities and how they influence and affect the health status of the individual. From the use of techniques such as metagenomic sequencing and metabolomic analysis, biological data are obtained and processed to generate a gut health report.

Contact: Laura Sierra-Zapata,

Biomass ga​​sifier

Alternative for obtaining thermal and mechanical energy in agriculture from dry residual biomass from fruit and seed shelling processes. This technology has the capacity to generate 5 kW/h with a volume of 8kg/h of biomass (energy needed to supply about 5 houses), with a continuous and stable supply of electrical energy that can be used to move agricultural machinery, water pumps, perform water heating processes, or even for residential uses.

Contact: Luis Santiago París-Londoño,

Partners: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Cultivation process and selection of multi-resistant photosynthetic microorganisms.
Microalgae with high capacity to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) allow its capture and treatment, mitigating the impacts caused by polluting industrial emissions. A process of cultivation and selection of multi-resistant photosynthetic microorganisms is developed for the capture and transformation of CO2 into new products for different industries, contributing to the mitigation of climate change and global warming.  
Principal Investigator: Sáez-Vega, Alex Armando.
Partner: Cementos Argos

A device that provides protection, comfort, safety and efficiency to the armed forces. Reptil is a new protection device in the form of a bio vest inspired by fish and reptile scales, based on a molecular material that improves the protection of military bodies against projectile impacts, while optimizing work by providing mobility and comfort.
Principal Investigator: Ossa, Edgar Alexander.
Partner: Tecnologías Marte

Photocatalytic brick
Brick coating material that, in contact with air and under the action of sunlight, transforms pollutant gases into washable substances. The project develops surface modification methods on clay bricks for use in the mitigation of gaseous atmospheric pollutants by photocatalysis with titanium dioxide (TiO2). The aim is to provide a solution to improve the air quality of large cities and contribute to the health of the people who live there.    
Principal Investigator: Palacio-Espinoza, Claudia Constanza.
Partner: Minciencias, Universidad de Antioquia.
Web site:

Tongue and groove brick: a construction system of assembly, without glue, with excellent structural performance.
Development of a tongue-and-groove masonry system without glue mortar, consisting of a fired clay brick whose geometry allows each piece to interlock with the following ones without the need to use cement and making the resulting wall resistant to frontal and lateral loads. The walls are built in less time and with less waste. An innovative solution within the reach of the construction sector.
Principal Investigator: Jaramillo-Fernández, Juan Diego.

Legaltech: SAGRILAFT Process Automation Platform
Summary: Legaltech is a process automation tool supported by Artificial Intelligence for the management of Self-Control and Integral Risk Management Systems for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (SAGRILAFT). Legaltech automates data processing, generates risk matrices and executes the stakeholder review process quickly, accurately and economically. A decision support tool for compliance officers and organizations.
Researchers: Quintero-Montoya, Olga Lucía; Piedrahita-Vargas, Camilo; Gutiérrez, Juliana; Gómez, Camilo Ernesto.
Web site:​

Spin o​​ffs

HuMath, Working for Hu​​mans, thinking from science

Humath is a spin off focused on state and parameter estimation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and modeling from mathematics for the development of innovative solutions in healthcare. It has developed technologies such as a tele-radiology system that supports medical decision making for the detection of respiratory diseases through an artificial intelligence model based on X-ray images and computed tomography, and a platform for emotion recognition in video, audio, and text.

Contact: Olga Lucía, Quintero Montoya,

Bottom. We make the​ invisible possible

We are a spin-off of EAFIT University formed by a team of engineers who are experts in the study, understanding and use of the physicochemical characteristics of materials. We specialize in the study and application of nanotechnology, using the special properties that occur at incredibly small scales.​

Contact: Mónica Lucía Álvarez- Láinez,​

Axomics: DNA or RNA Sequencing Cent​er

Sequencing center that articulates nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) sequencing technologies. We integrate genome sequencing technologies and computer science tools. Through this synergy, we can study and know the composition of microbial communities, a​s well as perform the characterization of a microorganism from DNA.

Contact: Javier Correa-Alvarez,


Solar ​Br​​ick

Adaptation of solar cells on building facades and vertical constructions for the generation of clean energy. The Solar Brick is a brick type structural element with a photovoltaic system that allows the generation of electric energy from the photo-detection obtained by the sun's rays. In turn, it is a structural unit in which electrical, optical, electronic and electromechanical elements can be attached. This technology would favor urban environments where land use is restricted.

Intraoral Distractor for Bone ​​​Transport

It is a fixed dental implant that replaces traditional tooth boxes, and allows the patient to lead a life without complexes and a normal diet. The invention is intended for direct application in the field of surgery, an initiative of the Bioengineering Research Group of the EAFIT and Ces universities.


A technology that uses sensors to improve the operating conditions of railway systems by measuring wheel damage without stopping operation. Usually, the maintenance of the wheels of railway systems involves taking the vehicle to be inspected out of operation. With the Diagnodefect technology it is possible to perform such a procedure directly on the railway system by means of sensors, while the vehicle is in operation.

Automatic adaptable hosp​​ital bed

It corresponds to an adaptable hospital bed created for disabled patients or patients with loss of mobility that allows obtaining different positions, allowing changing in other directions, and thus improving the patient's rotation.

Development of a system of floating platforms that rise with the water level during slow alluvial floods and serves to build light housing solutions in areas at risk of flooding. The Flot-habitat technology works through three systems: foundation, platform and anchorage. The platform is built with stone materials designed in such a way that the building floats as the flood advances.​

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Camilo Ernesto Garcia Duque
Director of Innovation and Technological Development​
Fore more innovations and technological developments visit

Innovation and Technology Development