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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500



We stimulate the generation of knowledge for the transformation of society and the solution of challenges.​





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717 researchers​





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BASIC Cartagena:
building resilience in​ the Bay of Cartagena

Applied research project on Interactions between watersheds, sea, and communities in the coastal zone of Cartagena, Colombia. The first phase was completed in 2017, under the title: "Reducing pollution risk in vulnerable coastal communities in Cartagena, Colombia: responding to climate change". The second phase, entitled "Building Resilience in Cartagena Bay," has been under implementation since 2018. Its overall objective is to contribute to the strengthening of the environmental governance of Cartagena Bay through the provision of science-based advice towards sustainable and climate compatible development policies.

Principal Researcher: Restrepo-Ángel, Juan Darío.

Contact: - 

Partners: IDRC - International Development Research Centre, Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad de Cartagena, Universidad de Algarve (Portugal), Escuela Naval de Cadetes "Almirante Padilla" (ENAP), Fundación Hernán Echavarría Olózaga (HEO), Corporación Autónoma Regional del Canal del Dique (CARDIQUE).

Construction of a bank of c​holine metabolizing microorganisms from the human intestinal microbiota of pregnant and lactating mothers

Construction of a bank of functional microorganisms from the intestinal microbiota of pregnant and lactating mothers, in order to develop biotherapeutics that increase the metabolism of choline. These microorganisms would have the potential to improve human health and well-being. We advance in the understanding of the implication of the microbiome in cognitive development in children and adults and generate the basis for the formulation of a biotechnological functional ingredient, of probiotic or biotherapeutic type, that can strengthen this metabolic function.

Principal Researcher: Sierra-Zapata, Laura.


How to prevent the recruitment of mino​​rs by criminal organizations?

Throughout Latin America, criminal organizations are among the largest forced recruiters of children and adolescents. What techniques do they use? Which adolescents are most at risk? And what interventions by non-governmental organizations and governments can prevent and interrupt this costly crime? This project has two objectives. First, it is conducting a longitudinal survey of 15,000 13-year-olds in Medellín's neighborhoods most at risk of recruitment by criminal organizations. The information from the survey is being used to assess the risk factors associated with recruitment and, through future rounds of surveys and administrative data, to track the involvement of these youths in criminal organizations over the next few years. Second, it is advancing the implementation and evaluation of two behavioral interventions. Each is designed to counter common forms of deception that coerce youth into gangs: countering misperceptions about the benefits of non-criminal careers; and countering misperceptions about the risks of death and incarceration for joining a gang.

Researchers: Santiago Tobón (EAFIT University), Christopher Blattman (University of Chicago), Arantxa Rodríguez-Uribe (Princeton University)

Partners: Minciencias, Templeton Foundation, Innovations for Poverty Action, U.S. Department of State, Towards Kindness Foundation.

Digital transformation of c​ement and concrete production: descriptive and predictive analytics of the cement and concrete production process

Study of the cement and concrete production process in the company Cementos Argos, through statistical learning techniques applied to historical data, for the discovery of patterns and relevant variables to identify the appropriate combinations that produce nominal values with less dispersion. The aim is to reduce the uncertainty about the physicochemical properties that condition the use of concrete and thus allow an intelligent manufacture of cement and concrete through the application of artificial intelligence techniques.

Researchers: Juan Carlos, Rivera-Agudelo; Henry, Laniado-Rodas,


Partner: Argos S.A.

Valorization of products​ obtained in the CO2 capture process from microalgae cultivation

The project establishes the technical and financial feasibility of products generated from the cultivation of microalgae in CO2 capture processes under real conditions. For this purpose, it technically validates the degree of CO2 and particulate material capture of an urban system of photobioreactors with microalgae in the Aburrá Valley. Develops a technical and financial feasibility study of the CO2 and particulate matter capture system in photobioreactors with microalgae. Pre-feasibility study for the implementation of a microalgal protein production plant using poultry co-products.

Principal Researcher: Sáez-Vega, Alex Armando.


Application of ad​​vanced molecular biotechnology techniques to the development of functional ingredients with high added value for human and animal nutrition

The study allows advancing in the use of biotechnological tools of genetic engineering, biological chemistry and omics for the improvement of microorganisms, the generation of knowledge and the scientific support of functional ingredients for the food industry, aimed at mitigating the problems of malnutrition in Colombia. 

Principal Researcher: Diego Fernando Villanueva-Mejía


Partner: Progal Bt (Adiquim S.A.), Iluma-Premex.

Criminal Governance in Latin ​​​America: A Comparative Perspective 

Unlike insurgent groups, criminal organizations operating in Latin American slums do not seek to overthrow nation states, but exercise de facto control over large peripheral populations. This control includes, among others, security, justice and mobility. This phenomenon is known as criminal government. This project advances theoretical and empirical knowledge on the scope, causes and consequences of criminal government, analyzing several of its dimensions in Cali, Colombia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Principal Researcher: Gustavo Duncan


Partner: Universidad de los Andes

Narrative landscapes: analysis ​​of school narratives based on information visualization and textual mining

Development of a framework and a digital tool for the collection, visualization, analysis, interpretation and decision making around real learning experiences that students and teachers have lived in different territories of Colombia under the concept of narrative landscapes.

Principal Researcher: Cárdenas-Franco, Luis Alejandro.


Relationship between part​icipation and engagement in narrative environments created with the game Minecraft through problem-based learning for university students

The goal of the project is to enable students to use Minecraft to construct and explore their own narratives in the area of Social Sciences. Students will have the freedom to decide what to do, what to produce and how to deal with problems and challenges that arise, which will give them the opportunity to apply their own skills and knowledge to a playful environment.

Principal Researcher: Villa-Montoya, Maria Isabel.


Partner: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Computational and experimental de​velopment and evaluation of a sputter-deposited Ti1- XAlxN/ReNY multilayer coating for anti-corrosion and anti-wear applications

Development, characterization and evaluation of a new hard coating system with nanometer multilayer structure consisting of Rhenium Nitride (ReNx) and Titanium Aluminum Nitride (Ti1-xAlx N), deposited by plasma assisted sputtering technique (magnetron sputtering) on M2 high speed steel, H13 hot work steel, 4340 steel and Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. High wear resistance to oxidation and corrosion of these materials used in advanced manufacturing processes is sought to improve the useful life of tools and parts in the manufacturing, automotive, aeronautical and aerospace sectors.

Principal investigator: Arroyave-Franco, Mauricio.


Client/Partner: Minciencias, Universidad de Antioquia, Arclad S.A.

Development of a formulation based o​n the biopolymer pululan and/or its derivatives as a coating material with application in the agroindustrial sector

Generation of biotechnological products as biodegradable alternatives for agroindustry, through the development of a formulation using pululan from the fungus Aureobasidium pullulans and/or its derivatives as a coating material with application in controlled release of fertilizer or as a biofilm with food preservative capacity. These are alternative applications to those used in traditional agriculture, which affect crop yields due to loss of nutrients and increase environmental pollution problems due to the use of petroleum-derived polymers. 

Principal Researcher: Giraldo-Estrada, Catalina.


Sustainable mobility: Analysis of electric mobility as a potential prosumer node

Development of new solutions for a multimodal sustainable transportation system, taking into account the travel patterns and transportation needs of the communities analyzed, in accordance with the development and adoption of efficient generation and consumption technologies, in order to evaluate the impact of such system (when considered as a prosumer node) and its interaction with the network.

Principal Researchers: Ricardo, Mejía-Gutiérrez; Gilberto, Osorio-Gómez 


Partner: Corporación Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR), Universidad EIA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Universidad de Santander and Internexa.

Polarimetric system for the identification an​d classification of atmospheric aerosols

With a view to air quality management, large urban centers tend to rely on air pollutant measurement networks. A low density of monitoring stations, coupled with the non-uniform spatial distribution of the stations, results in measurements of low spatial resolution. The project develops a transportable depolarization scanning Lidar system for atmospheric studies, which allows real-time and higher resolution measurements for the study and determination of the concentration, position and shape of aerosol pollutant particles.

Principal Researcher: Montilla-Rosero, Elena.


Development of entrepreneurial skills and competencies through playful tools. Innovative village case
The project seeks to increase capacities for the creation of innovative educational resources supported by ICT in the official educational institutions of the municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This project will create tools and guidelines for educational institutions to implement creative spaces adapted to their characteristics and needs.
Principal Research: Mesa-Cano, Jorge.
Partner: Municipality of Rionegro

Improvement of the onion production system focused on the demands of the fresh market and the agroindustry in the department of Antioquia
The project generates and validates technological recommendations for the management of the spring onion crop in the department of Antioquia, determining the requirements of the value chain of the spring onion production system according to the needs of the fresh market and the agroindustry.
Researchers: Villanueva-Mejía, Diego; Correa-Álvarez, Javier; Muñoz-Molina, Yaromir; Giraldo-Estrada, Catalina.
Partner: Agrosavia and the National University of Colombia.

Development of a National Seismic Risk Model of Colombia (MNRS)
Development of the baseline and methodology of the exposure models of buildings in the prioritized municipalities, considering existing models in the country, with their information, approach and limitations. The baseline also includes the building typologies used for such models. Through a parallel, with exposure models at urban, regional and national scales developed in other latitudes, where current tools and methodologies that can be implemented in the construction of the National Seismic Risk Model (MNRS) will be identified.
Principal Research: Acevedo-Jaramillo, Ana Beatriz.
Partner: ACOFI

Astrochronology and geochemical inversion applied to the identification of sweet spots in world-class source rocks: La Luna and Villeta Formations, Putumayo and Middle Magdalena Valley basins, Colombia
In the exploration of unconventional shale-type hydrocarbon reservoirs, a high-resolution stratigraphic, temporal, and spatial framework is fundamental. This project seeks to characterize and identify areas of high geological quality (sweet spots) in the La Luna and Villeta formations, in eight stratigraphic sections of the Middle Magdalena Valley and Caguán-Putumayo basins. The aim is to predict the distribution, geochemical and geomechanical characteristics of these sweet spots where geological information is limited.
Principal Researcher: Beltran-Triviño, Alejandro Ivan.
Partners: Minciencias, Inclay, ACGGP

Assembly of assimilated models of atmospheric chemistry and transport
Development of an ensemble of assimilated models to predict the dispersion and accumulation of atmospheric pollutants in various urban areas of Colombia. The predictions are made from data on existing atmospheric conditions and environmental information collected in these regions. It is expected that the ensemble of models will allow a better understanding of the dynamics of pollutants in the air and help to make informed decisions on air quality.
Principal Researcher: Quintero-Montoya, Olga Lucia.

NET-CSA Bio: network on climate-smart agriculture: integration of biodiversity conservation and ecosystems
The objective of this alliance between the Technical University of Munich, EAFIT and other Colombian entities is to study the Bioeconomy, Biodiversity, Environment and Agricultural Economics as a development strategy for the country. This will be done through knowledge exchange, teaching through seminars, academic visits, co-advising for doctoral work, exploratory field visits, among others. Knowledge from both countries will be brought together to study how mitigation and adaptation practices in agriculture can be combined with techniques for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. 
Principal Researcher: Muñoz-Mora, Juan Carlos.

Systematization of the project for social prevention of youth violence in Urabá Antioquia, Colombia
The objective of the project is to increase knowledge of intervention processes and practices for at-risk youth in the region of Urabá, Antioquia, in order to facilitate the development of public policies aimed at the social prevention of violence. New processes and/or best practices useful for public policy decision-makers, program designers and implementers in the Urabá region as well as in other regions of Colombia are documented.
Principal Researcher: Villa-Montoya, Maria Isabel.
Partner: Mi Sangre Foundation

Analysis of the process of empowerment of young women carried out by the ParticipAcción project for the prevention of gender-based violence and gender equity
The project seeks to contribute to peace building in Urabá through the analysis of the process of empowerment of young women carried out by the ParticipAcción project for the prevention of gender-based violence and gender equity. Previous experiences of empowerment of young women for the construction of social fabric are analyzed. The young women who are part of the ParticipAcción project are characterized and the importance of female empowerment and leadership for peace building is analyzed.
Principal Researcher: Davalos, Eleonora.
Partner: Mi Sangre Foundation

Exploratory research for Colombia on the promotion and advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages to children and adolescents
Study of strategies for the promotion and advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages aimed at children and adolescents in Colombia, to guide the design of interventions to reduce the impact of overweight and obesity in the country. A methodology was designed and applied to characterize food advertising in schools, food shopping sites, outdoor advertising and traditional channels. Co-creation workshops were held to identify the most remembered and consumed products in educational institutions selected by UNICEF. 
Principal Researcher: Rojas de Francisco, Laura Isabel.
Partner: Unicef

State-building on the margin: An urban experiment in Medellín
Medellín’s city government wanted to raise its legitimacy in neighborhoods with weak state presence and competing armed actors. They intensified non-police street presence attempting to improve social services and dispute resolution. Residents lowered their opinion of the state on average. We trace these adverse effects to communities where state presence was initially weakest. Where state presence was already established, the intervention raised opinions of the government. We hypothesize that it is costlier for states to improve services where it is weak, an incentive for elected leaders to concentrate state-building efforts in established areas, widening local variance in state legitimacy.
Researchers: Tobón, Santiago (Universidad EAFIT); Duncan, Gustavo (Universidad EAFIT), Blattman, Christopher (University of Chicago); Lessing, Benjamin (Universidad de Chicago).
Partners: Proantioquia, Sistema General de Regalías, Innovations for Poverty Action, National Science Foundation, J-PAL, Universidad de Birmingham, Embajada del Reino Unido en Colombia, Economic Development and Institutions, Gobierno del Reino Unido

Territorial Weaving, development of planning-action components and territorial conversations
Collaborative work platform for dialogue that explores the way in which companies, social leaders, and academia interact with other actors in the territory. It generates a city conversation that allows building trust and finding common actions among diverse actors. It transforms the way companies understand their relationship with the city, both from their lines of business and their corporate philanthropy activities. Promotes a process of social innovation based on the experience of organizations and social and community leaders. Manages a portfolio of projects.
Principal Researcher: Aristizábal-Gómez; Juan Sebastián.
Partner: Proantioquia

Development and computational and experimental evaluation of a sputter-deposited Ti1- XAlxN/ReNY multilayer coating for anti-corrosion and anti-wear applications
Development, characterization and evaluation of a new hard coating system with nanometric multilayer structure consisting of Rhenium Nitride (ReNx) and Titanium Aluminum Nitride (Ti1-xAlx N), deposited by plasma assisted sputtering technique (magnetron sputtering) on M2 high speed steel, H13 hot work steel, 4340 steel and Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. High wear, oxidation and corrosion resistance is sought for these materials used in advanced manufacturing processes to improve the service life of tools and parts in the manufacturing, automotive, aeronautical and aerospace sectors.
Principal Researcher: Arroyave-Franco, Mauricio.
Partner: Minciencias, Universidad de Antioquia, Arclad S.A.

Characterization of the microphysical and radiative properties of atmospheric constituents in a subtropical monsoon climate from measurements made with locally developed laser and in situ remote sensing technologies
Studying the balance between terrestrial and solar radiation in the Earth's atmosphere is fundamental in the study of climate and in determining the climatic impact of greenhouse gases, trace gases and atmospheric aerosols. The project seeks to characterize the microphysical and radiative properties of atmospheric components in a subtropical monsoon climate from measurements made with locally developed laser and in situ remote sensing technologies, providing information on air quality and facilitating the calculation of the energy balance of our atmosphere.
Principal Researcher: Montilla-Rosero, Elena.

Design of a prosthesis that adjusts to the conditions of the Colombian agricultural context in order to reestablish the physical conditions of victims of improvised explosive devices
Colombia is one of the countries with the highest number of people injured by landmines and unexploded ordnance. The main victims are peasants engaged in agriculture and livestock farming. The project designs a prosthesis adapted to the Colombian agricultural context, with kinematic and electromyographic gait tests in terrains typical of the country's topography, to learn the needs and morphological adaptations of amputees and develop new prostheses that meet the needs that are not covered by current devices.
Researchers: Elizabeth Rendón, Vélez; Gallego -Sánchez, Juan Andrés.
Partner: Minciencias, SENA, Corporación Mahavir K-Mina, Artificial Limb Center, Fundación Universitaria Maria Cano.

Synthesis and characterization of magnetite-maghemite nanocomposites for biomedical applications
Implementation of a method for the synthesis of composite nanomaterials, based on magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (-Fe2O3) nanoparticles surrounded by a biocompatible polymeric matrix, and evaluation of these materials to produce cell apoptosis in commercial breast cancer cell lines. The relevance of these materials, called nanocomposites, lies in their high degree of applicability in the treatment of diseases such as cancer. The capture of these nanomaterials and their effect on cell viability are studied by means of studies based on the culture of both normal and cancerous breast cells.
Researchers: Velásquez-Torres, Álvaro Andrés; Gómez-Ramírez, Luis Alejandro.

Interventions in public transportation as a tool to reduce social exclusion: A case study for Medellin (Colombia) 
Analysis of the main effects of public transportation interventions on the reduction of social exclusion in vulnerable populations in the city of Medellin, in order to design and evaluate new innovative interventions that promote social integration through public transportation.
Researchers: García-Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo; Ramírez-Hassan, Andrés; Muñoz, Juan Carlos.
Partner: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Metro de Medellín.

Strengthening of institutional capacities in 48 municipalities in Colombia
Development of two components to strengthen institutional capacities in Colombian municipalities where the hydrocarbon transportation company Ocensa has an impact: 1) Local Value, which strengthens leadership and management capacities in 48 municipalities in 6 Colombian departments through capacity diagnostics, technical assistance, training and support for the formulation of public policies. 2) Young people exploring, with psychosocial support and strengthening of youth groups through training activities.
Experts: Palacio-Gaviria, Sara; Domínguez-Hernández, María Paulina.
Partner: Ocensa

How to increase citizen trust in state actors such as the police?
The research examines whether the promotion of procedurally fair interactions between citizens and bureaucrats increases trust in state actors. To this end, it empirically evaluates the relationship between procedurally fair interactions and public trust in the Colombian National Police in five Colombian cities: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena and Medellin. The results suggest that interventions that promote procedural justice positively affect trust in government, underscoring the role of procedural justice in the development of state capacity.
Researchers: Tobón, Santiago (Universidad EAFIT); Abril, Verónica (Universidad EAFIT); Norza, Ervyn (National Police); Pérez-Vincent, Santiago (Inter-American Development Bank); Weintraub, Michael (Universidad de los Andes).
Partners: Inter-American Development Bank, National Police.

Security for 10 municipalities with Territorially Focused Development Programs (PDETs)
Summary: We contributed to the strengthening of security systems in ten Colombian municipalities with Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET). We trained the police in governance and justice for indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples. We trained communities to monitor the Integral Plans for Citizen Security and Coexistence. We promote spaces for mutual recognition between ethnic authorities, local governments and law enforcement. We created articulation routes to improve attention in cases of security and coexistence. We built strengthening plans and crime prevention projects in the ten PDET municipalities prioritized by the project.
Researchers: Tobón, Santiago; Vanegas-Arias, Martin; Preciado-Restrepo, Andrés.
Partners: PADF, USAID

Public Policy Observatory of the Council of Medellín (OPPCM)
We accompany the Council of Medellin in the generation of inputs for the qualification of political control and decision making. The Public Policy Observatory provides technical follow-up reports on the Municipal Development Plan for political control of the Mayor's Office of Medellín. The objective is to systematize, explain and collect quality information that allows informed dialogue between the council and the municipal administration, qualifying the functions of oversight while influencing the agenda of conversation. It seeks to connect with other observatories to broaden the information network and perspectives of analysis.
Principal Research: Leyva-Botero, Santiago.
Partner: Council of Medellín

Business Internationalization Index of Antioquia
Design of a methodology and a metric that allows developing the level of internationalization of the department of Antioquia, Colombia, based on the measurement of 300 companies. The index has 4 pillars: 1) Level of internationalization of human talent. 2) Foreign direct investment and investment attraction. 3) International trade. 4) Innovation and institutions. The results of this index serve as a basis for designing and implementing a medium and long-term proposal for the internationalization of Antioquia.
Researchers: Goda, Thomas; Torres-García, Alejandro.
Partners: Proantioquia, ANDI, Medellín Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, Procolombia and Nutresa.

Bien+: Methodology for the measurement of corporate public value
Development of a methodology to quantify in monetary terms the economic, social, environmental and corporate governance impacts of the business sector. Bien+ is the result of a multidisciplinary research to solve the need of the private sector to know, manage and communicate the value they generate for society, beyond the value they generate for their shareholders. Through Bien+, organizations are able to clearly integrate social, environmental and economic impacts into their decision making. 
Researchers: Botero-García, Jesús Alonso; Tamayo-Plata, Mery Patricia; Gaitán-Riaño, Sandra Constanza; Vargas-Sáenz, Mario Enrique.
Partners: Grupo Éxito

The impact of the first social impact bond in Colombia
We joined forces with Fundación Corona to measure the effects of Empleando futuro, a social innovation that seeks to increase the cost-effectiveness of public spending on social programs. Empleando futuro seeks to train people at risk of poverty for work. The project is one of the first Social Impact Bonds to be awarded in the country. We found that the magnitude of the impact is high in comparison with similar programs in the world. 
Researchers: Chaparro-Cardona, Juan Camilo; García-Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo.
Partner: Fundación Corona 

Business Alliance for Gender Equity
Collaborative scenario to close gender gaps in the business sector. The Business Alliance for Gender Equity is a public-private strategy for knowledge management that includes quantitative and qualitative analysis and systematization of good practices. It also promotes advocacy in the public agenda, training and knowledge transfer, and the construction of a network of business allies to contribute to the achievement and consolidation of gender equity from the business sector.
Researcher: Lopera-Tobón, Carolina.
Partners: Proantioquia, Medellín Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, AEQUALES, ANDI Antioquia, AVON, ARGOS, Comfama, Equilátera, Secretariat of Women of Medellín and Antioquia. Together we advance in the creation of diagnoses and business policies for gender equity.​



Ricardo Mejia Gutierrez
Research Direct​or
Giovanny Orozco Orozco
Research Management Coordinator​

