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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

​Scientific obje​​ctives
and Research Areas​​​​


Over the years, a broad range of research topics have been addressed. Such fields cover areas that mainly combines "Industrial Design" and "Mechanical Engineering". The research group is convinced that scientific progress may be achieved through innovative applied-problems solutions. That is why the GRID have a set of "Scientific Objectives", implemented in a set of relevant "Application Areas"


​​​​​​​​​​In the above mentioned areas, the GRID's research lines​​​​ are:

Research Topics.png


Product Design a​nd development methodologies​:                         

In this area, the group focuses on the application of vari​​ous methodologies a​nd approaches to enhance the product design and development process. This includes techniques such as Design Thinking, design for manufacturing and assembly, and the integration of artificial intelligence in design. The aim is to streamline the design process, increase product efficiency and quality, and optimize the user experience.

Human Factors in Design:

This area studies how products adapt to users' needs, capabilities, and preferences. The group investigates design ergonomics and addresses the user experience, aiming for products to relate well to users and be satisfying to use. Additionally, virtual and augmented reality are considered to improve product visualization and testing, taking into account human interaction in the design process. Context and market considerations are also important in product design. The needs, expectations, and behaviors of users in their usage context are researched and understood. Usability studies and user testing may be conducted to gather feedback and make iterative improvements to the design. Cultural and social aspects that could influence product acceptance and adoption in the target market are also considered. User-centered design ensures the final product meets real people's needs and has a ​positive impact on their lives.

Product Engineering:

This area focuses on the design and development of innovative products, considering technical and functional aspects. It includes the process of conceptual design, where creative ideas and solutions are generated to meet market and user needs. In addition to considering product quality and safety, sustainability is also sought by analyzing the product's life cycle and environmental impact. It also involves modeling and simulation to analyze and optimize product behavior, as well as the use of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), to materialize designs. The goal is to create smart products by integrating sensors, actuators, and connectivity systems, enabling products to collect data, adapt to different conditions, and offer advanced functions. Areas like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 can be explored to develop intelligent products that enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

Product Design Management and innovation:

This area focuses on the efficient management of the product design process. It includes planning, coordination, and project monitoring, ensuring that objectives are met within established timelines and budgets. Resource management, quality control, and methodology implementation are addressed to ensure effectiveness and success in generating new products. Product design management can establish policies and objectives that promote sustainable innovation and corporate social responsibility, so that companies perceive design as a strategic capability. This involves integrating sustainability criteria into decision-making, evaluating suppliers, and collaborating with other stakeholders in the value chain. Additionally, the goal is to ensure that developed products align with market trends and customer needs, conducting market analysis and feasibility studies to identify new product opportunities and enhance the company's competitiveness.​​


Work Areas - Grid