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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Alexander Ossa H.

Alexander Ossa H.

​Área de Industria, materiales y energía

Información general

​Doctor, Cambridge University Engineering department, UK. ​​


  • ​Teléfono/phone: (57) 604 2619500 ext 9603 
  • Correo electrónico/e-mail:​​
  • Dirección/address: Carrera 49 N 7 sur 50, Medellín-Colombia - Bl 19 - 3er piso​.
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Resumen CV / Summary

  • Profesor de tiempo completo universidad EAFIT
  • Coordinador del  Grupo de Investigación en Materiales de Ingeniería. Universidad Eafit. 

  • Docente - Investigador, Grupo de Investigación sobre Nuevos Materiales, Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.

  • ​Coordinador, Lab. de Materiales, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

My research activities have been focussed on the understanding of the micro/nano structure and properties relationships of different types of materials, ranging from construction to biological materials, always looking for a deep understanding of the conditions altering its properties, in order to develop better and more reliable materials for technical - engineering - applications.

Estudios realizados / Education

  • ​Ingeniero Mecánico. UPB. 1996​
  • ​Doctor, Cambridge University Engineering department, UK. 2004.

  • Postdoctorado, Nottingham University, UK.2005

Publicaciones / Publications

    • W. Yan, C. Montoya, M. Øilo, A. Ossa, A. Paranjpe, H. Zhang, D. Arola “Reduction in Fracture Resistance of the Root with Aging” Journal of Endodontics, 43(9):1494-1498, 2017.
    •     C. Montoya, D. Arola and E. A. Ossa “Time dependent deformation behavior of dentin” Archives of Oral Biology, 2017, Vol 76, Pag 20-29.
    • S. Murcia, E. Lavoie, T. Linley, A. Devaraj, E. A. Ossa, D. Arola “The natural armors of fish: A comparison of the lamination pattern and structure of scales” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, Vol 73, Pag 17-27.
    • A. Gamarra and E. A. Ossa “Thermo-oxidative aging of bitumen” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2016.1199876
    •  C. Montoya, D. Arola and E. A. Ossa “Importance of Tubule Density to the Fracture Toughness of Dentin” Archives of Oral Biology, 2016, Vol 67, Pag 9-14.
    • S. Gil-Duran , D. Arola and E. A. Ossa “Effect of chemical composition and microstructure on the mechanical behavior of fish scales from Megalops Atlanticus” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2016, Vol 56, Pag 134-145. 
Última modificación: 31/10/2024 11:13