Ingeniería civil de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín.
Maestría y Doctorado en Reducción del Riesgo Sísmico en ROSE SCHOOL – Universidad de Pavia, Italia.
Premio GEM Outstanding Contribution Award,Global Earthquake Model Foundation - Diciembre de 2018.
Ana Beatriz Acevedo is a Full Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia. She received the B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the National University of Colombia; and the M.S and Ph.D degrees on Earthquake Engineering from the ROSE School—University of Pavia, Italy. She has worked as a consultant on structural design and as a Professor of Civil Engineering at Antioquia University (Medellin, Colombia). Her current research interest includes seismic risk assessment, seismic structural performance and disaster mitigation.