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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Daniel Felipe Ruiz Restrepo

EAFITDocentes e investigadores EAFITDaniel Felipe Ruiz Restrepo

Daniel Felipe Ruiz Restrepo

​​Área de Territorios y C​iudades​

Información general

Doctor en Ingeniería del Terreno de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC // Profesor Asistente de la Universidad EAFIT


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Resumen CV / Summary

Doctor en Ingeniería del Terreno con intereses en medios porosos, modelación computacional de fenómenos multi-físicos en el terreno, modelación constitutiva de suelos y rocas, caracterización experimental de suelos y rocas, mecánica computacional, vibraciones en suelos e interacción suelo-atmósfera.

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

Ingeniería geotécnica, medios porosos, modelación computacional de fenómenos multi-físicos en el terreno, modelación constitutiva de suelos y rocas, caracterización experimental de suelos y rocas, mecánica computacional, vibraciones en suelos e interacción suelo-atmósfera.

Estudios realizados / Education

  • ​​​​​Ingeniero Civil (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) ​
  • Master en Ingeniería del Terreno e Ingeniería Sísmica (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC) 
  • Doctor en Ingeniería del Terreno (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC)

Publicaciones / Publications

Capítulos de Libro

  • M. Mánica, D. F. Ruiz , J . Vaunat & A. Gens. 2019 . Geomechanics of Shale Repositories: Mechanical Behavior and Modeling. Shale:  Subsurface  Science and Engineering. AGU Books, Wiley- Blakcwell.

Publicaciones en Revistas

  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz, D. F ., 2018 . Nonlocal  plasticity modelling of strain localization in stiff clays. Comput. Geotech. 103 , 138 – 150.  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz, D. F ., 2017 . A t ime- dependent anisotropic model for argillaceous rocks. Application to an underground excavation in Callovo- Oxfordian claystone. Comput. Geotech. 85 , 341 – 350 .  
  • Mánica, M. A., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz, D. F. , 2016 . A cross- anisotropic formulation for elasto- plastic models. Géotechnique Letters 6 , 1 – 7 .  
  • Villarraga, C., Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J . & Casini, F. 2014 . Modelling landslides induced by rainfall: a coupled approach.  Procedia Earth  and  Planetary Science, Vol 9 . Pag 222 - 228.

Publicaciones en Eventos y Congresos:

  • ​Ruiz D.F., Vaunat J., Virely, D., Razakamanantsoa, A., & Dano, C. 2022. Influencia de la distribución de carbonatos en el comportamiento mecánico de una arcilla cementada – Estudio experimental. XVII Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia-XVIICCG. Sociedad Colombiana de Geotecnia. Cartagena, Colombia. 
  • Teheran, K., Ruiz D.F., Villarraga, M. & Virely, D. 2022. Investigación experimental del colapso en suelos eólicos: Un caso de estudio en Mayapo, Colombia. XVII Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia-XVIICCG. Sociedad Colombiana de Geotecnia. Cartagena, Colombia.   
  • Vasconcelos R. B., Gens, A., Ruiz, D. F. & Villar, M. V.,  2019 . Modelling  a heating- hydration bentonite- based column test using a double porosity approach. In: XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity Fundamentals and Applications ( Eds E. Oñate, D. R. J . Owen, D. Peric, M. Chiumenti and E. de Souza Neto). Barcelona. CIMNE.  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J ., Gens, A. & Mánica, M., 2018 . Hydro- Mechanical modelling of an unsaturated seal structure. In: NUMGE 2018 , IX European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering.  Porto, Portugal. 10 p.  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J .,  Gens, A.  & Mánica, M., 2017 . Analysis of  the hydration of an unsaturated seal. In: II Pan- American conference on unsaturated soils International. Dallas, USA. pp. 329 – 338 .  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz, D. F. , 2017 . Analysis of localized deformation around deep excavations in argillaceous  rocks.  In:  VII International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Davos, Swiss.  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J ., Ruiz, D. F. 2017 . Modelling the Mechanical Behaviour of Callovo- Oxfordian Argillite.  Formulation  and  Application. Advance in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and shales ( ATMSS), Springer, 37 - 44 .  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J ., Gens, A. & Mánica, M.  2017 . Hydro- mechanical modelling of  a gallery sealing over  the  entire l i fe  of  a deep repository. Proc. of the 6 th International onference on coupled THMC processes in geosystems ( GEOPROC 2017 ).  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz, D. F. 2017 . Analysis  of  strain localization with a nonlocal plasticity model. XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XIV), Barcelona, Spain, P 606 - 612 .  
  • Vaunat, J ., Ruiz, D. F. , Samat, S., Saaltink, M. & Virely, D. 2017 . Soil- Atmosphere Interactions. Comprehensive Modelling and Practical Rules. 1 th JTC1 Workshop on Advances in Landslide Understanding. Barcelona, Spain. Invited Presentation.  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat,  J . & Ruiz,  D. F.  2017 . Hydromechanical modelling of a tunnel excavated in  argillaceous  rock.  International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and  Subsurface Engineering. " EURO: TUN 2017 : Proceedings  of the  IV  International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface.  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz,  D. F.  2016 . Hydromechanical simulation of a drift excavated in the Callovo- Oxfordian argilite. Proc. of the 8 th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 6 p. 
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J . & Ruiz,  D. F.  2015 . Anisotropic  failure criterion for an argillaceous rock: formulation and application to an underground excavation case. XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications ( COMPLAS XIII), Barcelona, Spain, P 654 - 660
  • Ruiz, D. F. 2015 . Insights into the response of a gallery sealing over the entire l i fe of a deep repository. W( H) YDOC 2015 – 5th International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics., Paris, France, Presentation.  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J., Gens, A.  & Pasteau, A.  2015 . Insights into the response of a gallery sealing over the entire l ife of a deep repository. Proc. of the 7 th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 4 p.  
  • Mánica, M., Gens, A., Vaunat, J ., Ruiz, D. F. , Seyedi, D. & Armand, G. 2015 . Numerical modelling of drifts excavated in stiff clays. 6 th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Brussels, Belgium, Poster presentation.  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J., Gens, A., Mánica, M., & Pasteau, A. 2015 . Insights into the response of a gallery sealing over the entire l i fe of a deep repository. 6 th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Brussels, Belgium, Poster presentation.  
  • Villarraga, C., Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J . & Casini, F. 2014 . Modelling collapse and failure of volcanic slopes under climatic actions. Proc. of the 6 th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 5 p.  
  • Ruiz, D. F. , Vaunat, J ., Samat, S. & Virely,  D.  2013 . Thermo- mechanical analysis of the stability of a rockcliff under climatic actions. Proc. of the 5 th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 4 p. 

Última modificación: 05/11/2024 16:07