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Restrepo, L. F., Tellez-Falla, D., & Godoy-Bejarano, J. (2022). Information disclosure quality and firm value: empirical evidence for an emerging integrated market. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.
González, M., Guzmán, A., Téllez, D., & Trujillo, M. A. Determinants of corporate tone in the initial public offering: Powerful CEOs versus well-functioning boards. Research in International Business and Finance
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González, M., Guzmán, A., Tellez-Falla, D. F., & Trujillo, M. A. The impact of governance on IPO underpricing and performance at the country and corporate level: Literature review and research directions. Review of Development Finance, 10(1), 1-16.
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Jesus M. Godoy-Bejarano & Diego F. Tellez-Falla (2017). Mission Power and Firm Financial Performance, Latin American Business Review, 18:3-4, 211-226,
Lilian C. Bohórquez y Jesús M. Godoy (2009). Foreign direct investment in Latin America and its effects over development, 1990 – 2006”. Journal of Economics and Management. University of economics in Katowice – Poland.
Jesús M. Godoy y Lilian C. Bohórquez (2009). Los ciclos del empleo regional en Colombia: dependencia interregional, 2001 – 2006. Ensayos sobre política económica, Banco de la República.