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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Helmuth Trefftz Gómez

EAFITDocentes e investigadores EAFITHelmuth Trefftz Gómez

Helmuth Trefftz Gómez

​​Área de Diseño de Productos y Experiencias

Información general

Ph.D in Electric and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University. 2002 // Índice H: 12


  • ​​​​Teléfono/p​hone: (57) 604 2619500​ Ext 9280
  • Correo electrónico/e-mail:​
  • Dirección/address: Carrera 49 N 7 sur 50, Medellín-Colombia, oficina: 19-625​
Ver C​VLac​​​​​

Resumen CV / Summary


  • Fundamentos de Programación, 2007 en adelante. Pregrado 
  • Computación Gráfica, 2002 en adelante. Pregrado
  • Lenguajes Formales y Compiladores. 2008, 2009. Pregrado 
  • Arquitectura del Computador. 2008. Pregrado 
  • Interacción Humano-Computad​or. 2006 en adelante. Posgrado
  • Desarrollo de apliaciones Web usando PHP yMySQL. Educación Continuada 

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

  • ​​Interfaces Humano-Computador
  • Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada
  • Videojuegos
  • Juegos serios para el aprendizaje

Estudios realizados / Education

  • ​​​​Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universiad EAFIT
  • Ph.D. in Electric and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University. 2002.
  • ​M.Sc. in Computer Science. Maharishi University of Management (EEUU). 1986

Publicaciones / Publications

  • " Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Projected Virtual Reality System to Support Learning Processes " . R. Gómez, H. Trefftz. HCI International 2011 Posters’ Extended Abstracts, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Stephanidis, Constantine, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, isbn 978-3-642-22095-1, p 107-111, V 174, 2011.
  • " General algorithms for laparoscopic surgical simulators " . C. Diaz, H. Trefftz, J. Bernal, S. Eliuk. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, ISSN 1909-9762, volume 4, issue 8, july-december 2010, págs. 57-70 Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia-Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia.
  • " Simulating Soft Tissue using GPU approach of the Mass-Spring Model " . C. Diaz, S. Eliuk, H. Trefftz and P. Boulanger. In 3IA ‘2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, Mayo 2010.
  • " Simulating Soft Tissue using GPU approach of the Mass-Spring Model " . C. Diaz, S. Eliuk and H. Trefftz. Proceedings of Virtual Reality Conference IEEE 2010, pp. 261--262, ISSN: 1087-8270.
  • " Development of a Surgical Simulator for Training Laparoscopic Procedures " . C.A. Diaz, D. Posada, H. Trefftz, J. Bernal. In International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 95-103.
  • " Development of a Physical Interface to Interact with a Virtual Laparoscopic Environment " . D. Posada, C.A. Diaz, H. Trefftz, J. Bernal In Proceedings of the Communications and Information Technology 2008 Marathon Beach, Attica, June 1-3, 2008.
  • " Ensenyanza Remota de Conceptos Anatomicos y Funcionales del Sistema Musculo-Esqueletico (Remote teaching of anatomical and functional concepts of the muscle-skeleton system) " . C.A. Diaz, H. Trefftz, F. Pineda In Proceedings of the IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB200) Co-Sponsored by: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Margarita Island, Venezuela, September 24 - 28, 2007.
  • ​" Remote Collaboration with Augmented and Virtual Reality Interfaces " . L.E. Cifuentes, E. Berrio, D.E. Newball, H. Trefftz.Published in Proceedings of the The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp 07) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. June 25-28, 2007.

Última modificación: 22/04/2024 16:55