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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Jorge Alonso Prieto Salazar

EAFITDocentes e investigadores EAFITJorge Alonso Prieto Salazar

Jorge Alonso Prieto Salazar

Área de Territorios y C​iudades​

Información general

​PhD degree in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering.Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.​ University of London, U. K.​ ​


  • Teléfono/phone: ((57) 604 2619500​ Ext 9332
  • Correo electrónico/e-mail:​
  • Dirección/address: Carrera 49 N 7 sur 50, Medellín-Colombia. Bl 19 
Ver CVLac​​ ​

Resumen CV / Summary

​EAFIT University, Professor

  • Lecturing Foundations design for under and postgraduate students
  • Continuing Research in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Aspects of Design​

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

Estudios realizados / Education

  • PhD degree in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 
    Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
    University of London, U. K.
  • Master of Science, Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology, degree.
    Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
    University of London U. K.
  • Master of Science, Planning of Hydroelectric Power Stations degree.
    Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Master of Science, Planning of Hydroelectric Power Stations degree.
    Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia​​

Publicaciones / Publications


  • Wagner, C.L., Journeay, J.M., Hastings, N.L., and Prieto, J.A. (2015). Risk map atlas: Maps from the earthquake risk study for the District of North Vancouver; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7816, 66 p. doi:10.4095/296254
  • Prieto, J. A., Ventura, C. E., and Finn, W. D. L. (2013). District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Earthquake Hazard Assessment, Case Study: Risk Assessment Project; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7314. doi:10.4095/292540
  • Prieto, J. A., Journeay, M. and Ulmi, M. (2012). Fragility Curves for Assessing the Risks of Debris Flow Hazards in HAZUS Compatible Format.  Proceedings, IV Panamerican Conference on Landslides, (Colombian Society for Geotechnics) Paipa, Colombia.
  • Prieto, J. A., Ventura, C. E., Finn, W., D. L., Ramos, A., and Prada L. F. (2012).  An Intensity Database for Colombia and Western Venezuela. Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, In Spanish), Vol 11 (2), 163-182 (April).
  • Prieto, J. A., Foschi, R. O., Ventura, C. E., Finn, W., D. L., Ramos, A., and Prada L. F. (2012).  Attenuation and Probability Distributions of Intensity for Colombia and Western Venezuela. Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, In Spanish), Vol 11 (2), 183-196 (April).
  • Prieto, J. A., Foschi, R. O., Ventura, C. E., Finn, W. D. L. and Ramos, A. M. (2011).  Probability distribution of intensity attenuations for Colombia and Western Venezuela.  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,  vol 101, No. 2, 495-505 (April).
  • Prieto-S. J. A., Ramos-C, A. M. and Villadiego, B. J.R (2007). Metodología para estimación de curvas de vulnerabilidad económica por lluvia para infraestructura vial – aplicación carretera Bogotá – Villavicencio (Colombia) (In Spanish). Rev. Int. de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil, Vol 7(1), 71-92.
  • Muñoz, E., Ruiz, D. M., Prieto-S, J. A. and Ramos, A. (2006). Estimación de la vulnerabilidad sísmica de una edificación indispensable mediante confiabilidad estructural (In Spanish). Boletín técnico del IMME, Universidad Central de Venezuela, V 44, 1, 20 pp.
  • Prieto-S. J, A, (2006). Influence of uncertainty of soil damping and degradation shear modulus curves of deep deposits on the earthquake mitigation cost. Paper 585, 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 10 pp.
  • Prieto-S. J. A., Muñoz, E., Ruiz, D. M. and Ramos, A. (2005). Estimación de la incertidumbre aleatoria del  punto de desempeño de una edificación esencial. (In Spanish). Proceedings of the IX Chilean meeting on Earthquake Engineering, November, 11 pp.
  • Prieto-S, J. A., (2004). Influence of uncertainty of hazard evaluation for insurance rating, a Bogota, Colombia, case. Paper 1180, 13 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver Canada, August, 10 pp.
  • Prieto-S. J. A., (2004). Análisis estadístico de los tiempos de ocurrencia entre eventos de baja magnitud en el piedemonte llanero (Colombia) (In Spanish). Proceedings of the First Latin American Congress on Seismology, Armenia, Colombia, August., 11 pp.
  • Prieto J. A., Ramos, A. Gonzáles (2004). Aspectos por precisar en la Microzonificación Sísmica de Bogotá (In Spanish). Anales de Ingeniería. Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros. Año 117- N 892, 26-60.
  • Prieto-S. J. A (2003). Hacia el diseño basado en riesgo (In Spanish). Proceedings of the II Colombian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Medellin, 21 pp.
  • Prieto-S, J. A. (1998). Quantification of complexity and environmental impact in elastic tunnels. (In Spanish).  Ingeniería y Universidad (Journal of the Faculty of Engineering of Javeriana University), Vol. 2, No. 1, 9-17.
  • Prieto, S. J. A. (1986). Él análisis modal análisis en la evaluación de fuerzas sísmicas sobre edificios (In Spanish). Ingeniería Hoy. Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, N1, 30-38.
  • Muñoz, E., Prieto-S., J. A. and Obregón, N. (2004). Bridge evaluation techniques by partial reliability criteria. Case study: A prestressed concrete bridge. (In Spanish). Ingeniería de Construcción (Journal of the Faculty of Engineering of Catholic University of Chile), Vol. 18, No. 3, 7 pp.
  • Muñoz, E., Prieto-S., J. A. and Obregón, N. (2003). Partial structural reliability for existent bridge evaluation. (In Spanish). Proceedings of the Latin-American association of quality control, pathology and  buildings recovering, Merida, Mexico, 7 pp.
  • Muñoz, E., Prieto-S., J. A. and Obregón, N. (2003). A finite element model with Montecarlo simulation for estimating structural reliability in bridges. (In Spanish). Proceedings of the II International conference on applied mathematics, Lima, Peru, August, 11 pp.


  • Ramirez, J. E., Prieto-S, J. A., Briceño-G, L. A., Caneva-R, A. I. and Ramos-C, A. M. (2004). Actualización de la historia de los terremotos en Colombia (In Spanish). Ed. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 186 pp.


  • Prieto-S. J.A (2003). Evaluation of a uniform spectrum of accelerations on rock for the Campus of Javeriana University. (In Spanish). Proceedings of the XII geotechnical meeting of the Colombian Society of Engineers, Bogotá, October, 13 pp.
  • Muñoz, E., Prieto-S., J. A. and Obregón, N. (2003). Towards a decision support system for evaluating load capacity in existent bridges. (In Spanish). Proceedings of the XV structural journeys of the Colombian Society of Engineers, Bogotá, October, 11 pp.​


  • Prieto, J. A. (2010).  District of North vancouver, BC. Earthquake hazard assessment, case study: risk assessment project.  Earthquake Engineering Research Facility, UBC, report 10-02.
  • Prieto, J. A and Ramos, A. (2005).  Vulnerabilidad económica de los puentes, viaductos y tuneles de la carretera Bogotá-Villavicencio.  Convenio de cooperación e investigación 0543 de 2005. Instituto Geofisico Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Nacional de Vias, Noviembre.
  • Prieto, J. A and Ramos, A. (2004).  Vulnerabilidad económica de taludes de la carretera Bogotá-Villavicencio.  Convenio de cooperación e investigación 094 de 2004. Instituto Geofísico Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Nacional de Vias, Octubre.
  • Prieto-S, J. A. (2000). Development of a strong-motion parameter for earthquake loss assessment. MPhil/PhD Transfer report. Imperial College, London, 42 pp.


  • Prieto, J. A. (2011).  High resolution ground motions for the District of North Vancouver.  Vancouver Geotechnical Society, February.
  • Prieto-S, J. A. (2010).  Recent advances in loss estimation methodologies.  Colombian School of Engineering, Bogotá, September.
  • Prieto-S. J. A. (2005). The role of geotechnical engineering in seismic risk analysis for insurance and financial mitigation purposes. Given at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, December.
  • Prieto-S. J.A. (2004). A rigorous approach to risk evaluation in buildings. Given at Earth-Tech Canada, Toronto office, August.
  • Prieto-S. J.A (2004). Vulnerability and risk of the Bogotá-Villavicencio highway. Colombian Society of Engineers, Bogotá. December.
  • Prieto-S. J.A (2004). Statistical analysis of the interarrival times in the foothills of the eastern range, Colombia. First Latin American Congress on Seismology, Armenia, Colombia, August.
  • Prieto-S. J.A (2003). Towards earthquake design based on risk. II Colombian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Medellin, Colombia.
  • Prieto-S., J. A. (2003). The current state of earthquake loss estimation methodologies. International conference on innovations in Insurability and earthquake risk. Javeriana University, Bogota, April 8-9.
  • Prieto-S., J. A. (2000). A new ground-motion parameter for seismic hazard evaluation. Conference given for the Geoscience Research Group, Munich Reinsurance Company, May, Munich.​
Última modificación: 22/04/2024 17:05