-Transparency as a learning strategy to teach Software Engineering, Elizabeth Suescún, Paola Vallejo, Raúl Mazo y Daniel Correa, presentado en 12th Colombian Conference on Computing.
- Improving reuse by means of asymmetrical model migrations: An application to the Orcc case study, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf, Kevin J.M. Martin y Jean-Philippe Babau, MODELS 2015 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Ottawa - Canada.
- Specification of adaptable model migrations, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf y Jean-Philippe Babau, MODELSWARD 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Angers - France.
- Formalisation de la recontextualisation de modèles par graphe de dépendance, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf y Jean-Philippe Babau, Numéro spécial de TSI (Technique et Science Informatiques) sur le thème Ingénierie du logiciel. Numéro 5/2015.
- CdmCL, a specific textual Constraint Language for Common Data Model, Ahmed, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf y Jean-Philippe Babau, International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling, co-located with the 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014), Valencia - Spain.
- Graphe de dépendance pour la recontextualisation de modèles, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf y Jean-Philippe Babau, Journées Nationales GDR-GPL-CIEL 2014, Paris - France.
- MASCARET: Creating learning environments from system modelling, Ronan Querrec, Paola Vallejo y Cedric Buche, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 8649, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2013.
- Specification of a legacy tool by means of a dependency graph to improve its reusability, Paola Vallejo, Mickaël Kerboeuf y Jean-Philippe Babau, International Workshop on Models and Evolution, co-located with the 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013), Miami - United States.
- Modif: Automating data migration for the reuse of legac tools, Paola Vallejo, Journées Nationales GDR-GPL-CIEL 2013, Nancy -France.