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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Sandra Constanza Gaitán Riaño - Docentes e Investigadores

EAFITDocentes e investigadores EAFITSandra Constanza Gaitán Riaño - Docentes e Investigadores

Sandra Constanza Gaitán Riaño

​​Área de ​Mercados y Estrategia Financiera

Información general

Ph.D. en Finanzas, Universidad de Tulane, Estados Unidos. ​​​


Resumen CV / Summary

Sandra Constanza Gaitan Riaño is Ph.D in Finance concentration and Master of Management at Tulane University, United States. She received her Master in Financial Administration (MAF), Specialist in Finance and Master in Business Administration (MBA) at Universidad EAFIT. She graduated in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Minas. Sandra has been a full-time Professor of at Universidad EAFIT in the area of Corporate Finance and a researcher for the GIFYB group at this university. 

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

  • Finanzas corporativas // Corporate finance
  • Gobierno corporativo // Corporate governance
  • Fusiones y adquisiciones // Mergers and acquisitions​
  • Costo de capital // Cost of capital
  • Valoración de e​​mpresas // Valuation and administration

Estudios realizados / Education

  • ​​Ph.D. ​in Finance Concentration, Tulane University (USA). 
  • Master of Management, Tulane University (USA).
  • Master in Business Administration, Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​Master in Financial Management, Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).
  • Finance Specialist, Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).
  • Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Minas (Colombia). 

Publicaciones / Publications

  • Board Characteristics, Compliance, and Firm Performance: Empirical Findings from Colombia with Hernán Herrera-Echeverri, Luis Antonio Orozco and Nidia SotoEcheverry. Latin American Business Review, 2018. Published online: 07 Jan 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10978526.2018.1540935 
  • How corporate governance affects productivity in civil-law business environments: Evidence from Latin America with Eduardo Pablo and Hernan Herrera. Global Finance Journal Volime 37, 2018, pages 173–185. 
  • Fusiones y adquisiciones: mecanismos de internacionalización de bancos latinoamericanos with Julie Janeth Bertel Chadid, Jose Antonio Uribe and Jaime Alberto Ospina Mejía. Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Volume 33, Isue 17, Julio-Diciembre de 2017, pages 17-26. ISSN 1657-8953 DOI: 
  • Metodology for Financial Valuation of a Power Plant under Regulatory Changes with Y. Restrepo and C. Franco. Revista IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, Volume 15, Isue 8, August 2017. 
  • Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America: Industrial Productivity and Corporate Governance with L. Cortes, I. Durán, and M. Vasco. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Volume 53, Issue 10 January 2017, pages 2179–2198. 
  • Variables macroeconómicas y microeconómicas que influyen en la estimación del costo de capital: un estudio de caso with Daniel Cardona Echeverri and Hermilson Velásquez Ceballos. Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas: Investigación y Reflexión Volume XXV, Issue 1 2017. 
  • Export behavior and board independence in Colombian family firms: The reverse causality relationship. Journal of Business Research With Jose Galli Geleilate, Sandra Gaitan-Riaño, Jerry Haar, and Nidia Soto- Echeverry. Journal of Business Research,Volume 69, Issue 6, June 2016, Pages 2018–2029. 
  • Fusiones y adquisiciones en Latinoamérica, Gobierno Corporativo y Modelo Gravitacional with Mateo Vasco, Lina M. Cortés and Iván A. Durán. Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science, Volume 19, Issue 37, December 2014, Pages 108-117. 
  • Discount Rate on Investment Projects in Colombia: Methodology Problems with María Gómez Díaz, Otto Burgos Suárez and Jhon Díez Benjumea. PODIUM No 22 December 2012 pp.9-21. ISSN 1390-5473. Universidad Especialidades Espíritu Santo UEES Ecuador. 
  • Corporate Goverment: A Global Trend. Dialéctica N.29 de 2011 pp. 70-90. ISSN 0123-2592. 
  • Approach to the methodologies of estimating the cost of capital on investment projects. The Colombian
    case. Ad-minister No. 18 January- June 2011, pp. 101-124. ISSN 1692-0279. With María C. Valderrama A.
    and John M. Díez B. 
  • Methods to discount investment projects. Case Study in Pereira. Revista Universidad EAFIT vol. 46 No.
    159 del 2010 pp. 107-1017 with John M. Diez B. 
  • Corporate Governance in Colombia. Current Trends. AD-MINISTER Universidad EAFIT Medellín No.15
    jul - dec 2009. Indexada en Colciencias Publindex. 
  • Ch. in Books 

  • Chapter “El Gobierno Corporativo. Teoría y evidencia empírica” Capítulo III: ¿Genera valor la adopción de Gobierno Corporativo en Colombia?” p. 59-84. ISBN978-958-660-308-9 Editorial UPTC, 2018. 132p. 
  • Chapter “Corporate Governance in Colombia: New Challenges and Opportunities” in “Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities” Virtus Interpress, ISBN: 978-617-7309-00-9, Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Udo Braendle, Vincenzo Capizzi, Number of pages: 315, Published: 2017. 
  • Chapter “Gobierno Corporativo en Colombia. Tendencias Actuales” in “Investigación sobre Gobierno Corporativo en Colombia” Ed. CESA. ISBN: 978-958-8722-50-4. Bogotá, D.C. junio de 2014.
  • Research

  • Mergers and acquisitions, mechanisms of internationalization of Latin American banks. MAF adviser. Student: Julie Janeth Bertel Chadid and Jose Antonio Uribe Herrera, 2015. 
  • Export performance and Board of Colombia’s firms, with Hernan Herrera and Supersociedades, 2014. 
  • The Corporate Governance: Current challenges for contemporary ethics, with Jhon Jairo Losada Cubillos. Universidad San Buenaventura 
  • Corporate Governance's impact over trasnational Merger and Adquisition in Latin America, with Lina
    Marcela Cortes Duran, Ivan A. Durán Diaz y Mateo Vasco. Universidad EAFIT, 2012. 
  • Features in the dynamics of a merger, MAF adviser. Student: Orlando Piedrahita, 2012 
  • Value Managment Model to La Caja de Compensación Familiar de Caldas. MBA Adviser, Students: John Cristofer Cardona González y Andrés Fernando Zapata Ramírez, 2012. 
  • Cost of Using the Capital and its determinants: An Econometric Model. MAF adviser. Student: Daniel Cardona Echeverri, 2012. 
  • An approach to the form of estimate of the discount rate for investment projects from companies in the subsectors of communications, transportation and financial services in Bogota city. MAF Adviser. Student: María Gómez Díaz & Otto Burgos Suárez, 2011. 
  • ¿Does Corporate Governance code create value? Universidad EAFIT. 2010. - Discount rate on investmente projects. 2010 with John M. Diez B. 
  • Discount rate on investmente projects. 2010 with John M. Diez B. 
  • Conceptual basis of the valuation of companies and their regulatory framework in Colombia with practical application to a fertilizer company. MBA Adviser. Student:Juan Fernando Alonso Escobar. 2010. 
  • Characterization of the economic for the period 1995-2009 related to the effect of the adoption of corporate governance in Colombia. Undergraduate Economy Adviser. Student: Natalia Chavarro, 2010. 
  • Current Trends in Corporate Governance. Universidad EAFIT. 2009. W

Work in Progress
  • Corporate Governance and Investment Decision.
  • Board of Director and Franchises.
  • Ownership and Corporate Governance across Institutional Contexts in Latin America.

Última modificación: 07/11/2024 20:43