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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Docentes e investigadores EAFIT Santiago Builes Toro

Santiago Builes Toro

Área ​de Industria, Materiales y Energía​

Información general

​Ph.D. Materials Science, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain).


  • ​​Teléfono/p​hone: (57) 604 261​ ​9204 
  • Correo electrónico/e-mail:
  • Dirección/address: Carrera 49 N 7 sur 50, Medellín-Colombia. Bl 19​.
Ver C​VLac​​​

Resumen CV / Summary

  • 2014 Present Assistant Professor, Department of Process Engineering Universidad EAFIT (Medellin Colombia)
  • 2012- 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation University of Delaware (Newark, DE, USA)
  • 2007-2012 Research assistant MATGAS 2000 AIE (Barcelona, Spain)

Intereses académicos e investigativos / Research and Teaching Interest

Dr. Builes main research interests are the applications of molecular modeling to solve and/or obtain a better insight of industrial problems. The scope of his research is mainly focused on applications of these atomistic simulation to separation processes and catalysis. Through the use of computer simulations it is possible to observe and understand materials and processes on a molecular scale. Atomistic simulations can be applied for different materials, such as: meso- and nano-materials tailor-made for specific applications, well-structured mesoporous materials and amorphous materials.

Estudios realizados / Education

  • Ph.D. Materials Science, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain).
  • M. S., Materials Science and Technology, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (​​Spain).​​​
  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia).​

Publicaciones / Publications

Última modificación: 07/11/2024 20:49