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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Maestría / Master of International Business (MIB) Maestría / Master of International Business (MIB) Maestría / Master of International Business (MIB)



of International
Business (MIB)​​​



​​​​​​Why our MIB?

The MIB at Universidad EAFIT provides a unique international and multicultural experi​​ence to students from different walks of life. Find out about our admission requirements and calendar, tuition fees, financial support and exchange opportunities.​

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​General information​​​

SNIES code:
Education Ministry qualification​: 
Resolution 003554 of march 22​th, 2024​. Valid for seven years​. ​ 
Degree gran​ted:​​ 
Master of International Business (MIB). 
A year and a half​ (3​ semester​s).​​ 
Combined (In person – virtual)​
Cities where the program is offered: 
Medellín, Colombia.


Edward Andrés Tamayo Duque

Head of the Master of Internatio​nal Business

Luz Marina Montoya Arango
Marketing (consultant) ​
Phone: (57)  604​261 9500, extension 9930.​

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​Further information

Tenga en cuenta que el correo registrado quedará asociado a sus datos básicos.

Recuerde que para acceder a un posgrado debe haber finalizado su carrera profesional. Este formulario no aplica para técnicos, tecnólogos o bachilleres




EAFIT is a member of the world's largest alliance for business education, AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,​​


The School of Management at EAFIT, and all its undergraduate and post-graduate programs are accredited by The Business Graduates ​Association –BGA. It is an international membership and quality assurance organization for world-leading and high-potential business schools. BGA shares a commitment to responsible management practices and lifelong learning that seeks to generate a positive impact on the students, communities, and the economy as a whole. ​ Más info​rmación.


Maestría / Master of International Business (MIB)