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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500



Presentation of the project to SMEs

On August 18th, Ph. D. Cecilia Murcia, with the participation of the Comfama's team, share with SMEs the importance of intellectual Capital for the companies.

The aim of the presentation was to introduce to the managers of each company the importance of of knowing the intellectual capital of their companies in order to strengthen and improve their competitiveness. The diagnostic usefulness of the adaptive capacities of SMEs and the degree of importance of intangible factors that influence the adaptation of the companies were some of the topics discussed at the meeting.

The result of the presentation was the confirmation by the managers of each company to participate in the project, who recognize the importance of evaluating the dynamic capabilities in their organizations and the value of knowing its Intellectual Capital.


Cooperation of Comfama in the selection of 15 SMEs

Comfama will coperate whit this project supporting the search and selection of 15 SMEs which will participate in the empirical phase.

In order to do that, on july 14th, the project team had a meeting with the members of Comfama, responsible for the Business Development Area in order to define the collaboration framework. The result of the meeting was the definition of the SMEs's profile required to be part of the project.​


Lecture on Intellectual Capital and its significance in Corporate Management​

Universidad EAFIT, the Medellín campus, offered a lecture on Intellectual Capital measurement, led by Ph.D Cecilia Murcia on the 26th of May regarding the project 'SMEs Boosting through the Diagnosis of their Intellectual Capital: Case Study of Antioquia's SMEs' within the framework of the Colciencias program 'Es tiempo de volver'​.


​​Introduction to the 'Learning to grow for SMEs' methodology​

On February 22nd and 23rd, professor Klaus North came and shared with us his extensive SMEs experience in terms of both, research and consultancy; through two presentations, 'Result presentation of the project Dynamic SMEs' and 'Introduction to the methodology 'Learning to grow' for SMEs'.

Professor Klaus teaches International Business Administration at Wiesbaden Business School (Germany).  He is a renowned consultant on knowledge management, quality and innovation topics. He is also a scientific director of the German Award for Knowledge Management and founding president of the German Society for Knowledge Management.

For further information about professor PhD Klaus North, visit his personal page on Klaus North website​


Metodología Aprender a crecer.pdf   Resultados proyecto Dynamic SMEs.pdf  Caso Herradep.pdf

​To get further information on this methodology, visit the Dynamic SME​ ​ project Web page where you will find videos and other very helpful tools.



Última modificación: 25/08/2016 12:19