Although open wars have actually decreased over the last decades, the number and types of conflict situations emerging in different communities at national and international level, in global business, industry and commerce, in education and academic fields, in civil society and even in the field of harmonization itself seem to increase as society is becoming more and more complex. What is the role of the ICTs on conflict situations?
Most conflicts could find a proper solution by applying conflict management techniques and best practices. Conflict resolution involves the reduction, elimination, or termination of all forms and types of conflict or war. Conflict management aims at minimizing the negative outcomes of conflict and promoting the positive outcomes of conflict. In any case, almost always, communication issues are involved in conflict resolution and conflict management, which can be – depending on the nature of the conflict – supported by pertinent laws, standards or other regulating instruments, or by consulting best practices for the specific situations.
While not denying that certain conflicts need political measures and may take long periods of time to allow all wounds to heal or at least to minimize a societal ‘explosive’ situation, T&SCIT 2019
focusses on structured communication approaches to managing conflict – and whether and how they can be generalized and made applicable to other conflict situations
Often, imminent conflicts can be avoided by applying structured communication approaches to conflict management techniques at an early stage. Mostly, the involvement of all stakeholders or even all members of conflicting communities in structured dialogues can result in a higher level of consciousness and mutual understanding by all. Structured communication can be largely facilitated by terminology principles and methods – many of them based on international standards.