Development of hydrofoil geometries applied on a scale boat
Manuela Montoya Rivera
Objective: To establish the geometry of a hydrofoil from an experimental validation on a scale boat to reduce the hydrodynamic drag of the ship.
Colombia has 24,725 kilometers of navigable waterways being the sixth country in the world (CIA), being this a little exploited resource in the transport sector since river transport has the lowest development in the country both in regulations and in scope in the most commercial areas, the backwardness of the river infrastructure is due to the greater development in road infrastructure with the introduction of the new 5G roads, which has been displacing the use of rivers for transportation; despite this in regions such as the Pacific, Orinoquia and Amazonia, cargo and passenger transportation is carried out by waterways (Chávez, 2018).
The introduction of multimodal transport systems combining river and rail systems is being studied following the mitigation measures to reduce emissions in the transport sector in the Paris Agreement (García, 2016). Accordingly, it is valuable to investigate alternatives to reduce the energy consumption of different vehicles, to promote the conscious use of energy, so this project proposes to establish the geometry of a hydrofoil from an experimental validation in a scale boat to reduce the hydrodynamic drag of the ship.
García Arbeláez, C., G. Vallejo, M. L. Higgings y E. M. Escobar. 2016. El Acuerdo de París. Así actuará Colombia frente al cambio climático. 1 ed. WWF-Colombia. Cali, Colombia. 52 pp.
Waterways - The World Factbook. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from
Chávez Perdomo, L.E. Arteaga Rey, C.C. Alba Alba, J.L. 2018. Situación de la Infraestructura y el transporte Fluvial en Colombia. Prospectiva. Bogotá, Colombia.
Mariana Yepes Álvarez
Objective: Develop energy consumption models of electric vehicles and implement optimization algorithms to successfully adopt this technology in the local context for a battery swapping station.
Given the increase in the registration of electric vehicles (2018 Vs 2021: 119%), the adoption of this new technology must be accompanied by proper planning in terms of culture, infrastructure, and driving habits. This is to facilitate the appropriation by users, as there is still distrust regarding the performance of vehicles in continuous operation. This proposal will give continuity to the issue of sustainable mobility, through the use of the development of predictive consumption models. Based on real data, these models will allow the definition of operation guidelines that will allow a successful adoption of electric vehicles in the local context, especially a battery swapping station for motorcycles.
The red dots represent the delivery points, the blue dots the pick-up points, the yellow dot the charging station, and the green dot the pick-up point. Case to be evaluated under the construction of the optimization model for the problem of minimizing station operating costs.
Pedro Vélez Aristizábal
Within the framework of sustainable development and clean electricity generation in the Colombian context, a project is proposed to implement a non-conventional source of renewable energy, specifically solar, to supply energy to a recharging station and battery change to partially or supply the energy needs of hybrid vehicles.
Based on the above, the development of technical solutions related to this technology is proposed, which allows analyzing data to determine behaviors or specific situations that seek to improve the behavior of this system and thus generate an integration of this within the energy basket of the region.
Andrés Yesid Moreno Villa
Sustainable mobility is one of the most important global engineering objectives. However, it is important to be aware of the drawbacks and limitations of electric mobility and how hybridization can be used to compensate for the mutual shortcomings of conventional engines. In this sense of ideas, and for certain geographical situations, we seek to implement and optimize hybrid and intelligent designs that take the best advantage of sustainable mobility but make use in specific situations of conventional mobility to increase its autonomy and viability.
Santiago Molina Tamayo
Today, at least 1710 villages in Colombia remain without electricity, forcing hundreds of families to use fuel power plants that offer very limited energy, which hinders household chores, reduces lighting, and causes damage to health. Due to the privileged geographical location of our country, we have an average of 5.4 hours of daily radiation that can be exploited through the use of solar panels, in which about 17.44% is electrical energy and 75.58% corresponds to dissipate heat that can be exploited through cogeneration systems. This project seeks to analyze the potential of hybrid photovoltaic modules in off-grid users through the acquisition of consumption and location data to increase access to electricity for remote Colombian families.
Samuel Bustamante Castaño
Within the framework of sustainable development and clean electricity generation, two projects are proposed for young researchers related to the implementation of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources in the Colombian context, specifically Solar and Wind Energy, for which it seeks to integrate these, within an energy model that allows an inclusive development where different aspects are guaranteed such as access, affordability, availability and acceptability of these projects. Based on the above, it is proposed the development of technical solutions related to these technologies which allow analyzing data to determine behaviors or specific situations that seek to improve the performance of these systems and thus generate an integration of these within the energy basket of the region.
The image shows a simulation of the national electricity generation system as of today, which is used to propose future scenarios, such as the transition in the vehicle system from fuel to electric vehicles, and how this demand can be supplied by the various generation sources.
Maria Angélica Rocha
The aesthetic appearance of the product depends on more than 40 variables. The designer is not aware of a large part of these. Consequently, he has no major control over this process, letting intuition dominate it, which is risky. In internal projects, 621-000011 (Métodos-Heurísticos-2015) and 690-000130 (Plataforma-heurísticos-2016) we achieved the extraction, classification, and practical validation of more than 200 heuristics (in written language) corresponding to these variables and that contribute to explicitly support the aesthetic design, especially in less expert designers. This proposal seeks, from this set of heuristics, to create and validate a clear, pleasant, and visually rich design tool that allows its free or structured application in industrial design or product design engineering. There are precedents of heuristic tools in product design, but this will be the first one specialized exclusively in product aesthetics.>
Felipe Mendoza Giraldo
The objective of this project is to prepare Colombia for adapting this new transportation system by proposing optimal and semi-automatic control strategies to improve the system's overall efficiency based on automatic learning and artificial intelligence techniques, increasing the knowledge and technological development in the country.
Luis Felipe Quesada Bedoya
Nowadays, renewable energies are becoming an increasingly viable and attractive option due to the global dependence on and overuse of fossil fuels, leading to an energy and environmental crisis. For this reason, the exploration of every one of the renewable energies is arousing research interest in how to apply them conveniently and strategically in the face of today's challenges. Among these, wind energy stands out, which thanks to the kinetic energy of the wind, can be converted into rotational mechanical energy and after this, electrical energy, where systems called Wind Turbines are used. For this reason, this project explores small vertical axis wind turbines (swept area no larger than 200 m2) which implement the use of composite materials in the blades since they have complex and non-constant geometries and present different methods of design, manufacture, and fabrication to ensure the good performance of the same for the capture of kinetic energy.
The project focuses on analyzing and developing manufacturing processes and implementation of composite materials for the definition of an efficient mechanical behavior and replicability of parts for scale production, to adapt under the geometric and aerodynamic design of a Wavy Leading Edge type airfoil.
Valentina Mejía Londoño
It is estimated that, on average, a person can spend more than 6 hours in a seated position during their workday. Several studies have shown that different types of seating and the postures they induce influence musculoskeletal health, task performance efficiency, and individuals' mood. However, little research has been conducted on how chairs influence people's ability to generate ideas and collaborate when working in groups. For this reason, this project aims to determine, through a design of experiments, which body posture (seated, semi-seated, and standing) enhances idea generation and collaboration in a teamwork setting. This contributes to the knowledge available on the design of furniture for creative spaces (chairs and desks).
Did you know that, on average, we spend more than 6 hours sitting while working?
Some studies have shown that chairs not only affect our posture but also our mood. This raises the question: Does our posture influence how we generate ideas and collaborate with others when working in a group?
This ongoing project aims to conduct an experiment in which several groups of people will work collaboratively while sitting, semi-sitting, and standing. The goal is to determine how certain types of chairs influence the way we generate ideas and collaborate.