Ponencias y publicaciones
Industria 4.0 y Tecnología convergentes-nano, bio, info y cogno.
Libro Transmedia Earth Conference: medios, narrativas y audiencias en contextos de convergencia. Editores académicos: María Isabel Villa, Diego Montoya Bermúdez y Mauricio Vásquez Arias. Editorial EAFIT. ISBN: 978958-720-628-9
- Skin-friction Measurements in Turbulent Boundary Layers. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12(1), 1–15. Cardona, C. R., Ruan, Z., & Salguero, O. R. (2020).
- The role of a fashion spotlight event in a process of city image reconstruction. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 17, 100464. Ceballos, L. M., Rojas De Francisco, L., & Osorio, J. C. M. (2020).
Agrotech: Transformación, mercado y producción
A Method for Detecting Coffee Leaf Rust through Wireless Sensor Networks, Remote Sensing, and Deep Learning: Case Study of the Caturra Variety in Colombia. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 697. Velásquez, D., Sánchez, A., Sarmiento , S., Toro , M., Maiza, M., & Sierra , B. (2020).
First principles study of the thermodynamic, mechanical and electronic properties of crystalline phases of Chromium Nitrides. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. Laura I, Tenelanda-Osorio, Mario E. Vélez.
- Scientific Report. Antibacterial Activity in the Bacillales by triphenyl tetrazolium chloride. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-14. Sierra-Zapata, L., Álvarez, J. C., Romero-Tabarez, M., Silby, M. W., Traxler, M. F., Behie, S. W., … & Villegas-Escobar, V. (2020).
- Are Corn Futures Prices Getting "Jumpy”? Anabelle Couleau.
Ciudades inteligentes
Spatiotemporal Modeling of Urban Growth Using Machine Learning. Remote Sensing. 12(1):109. Gómez, J. A., Patino, J. E., Duque, J. C., Passos, S. (2020).
- De la ciudad funcional a la funcionalidad urbana Urbam.