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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Department of International Business


International Agreements

Academy of International Business
The largest global community of academics involved in the creation and dissemination of knowledge about international business. AIB transcends academic and administrative functions barriers to improve education and practice in business.


UNCTAD Virtual Institute
The United Nations Virtual institute for Commerce and Development is a training program designed to strengthen academic institutions, particularly in developing countries in teaching and research related to problems related to trade.


Council of Latin American School of Administration
CLADEA, the Council of Latin American School of Administration is one of the most important business school networks at the world level. It provides a system of cooperation at the international level and maintains reciprocal relations with the principal academic institutions of the world. It has 140 affiliate schools in Latin America, North America, Europe and Oceania, all of them institutions of higher education involved in teaching and research in both public and private administration.


Business Association for Latin American Studies
BALAS is the first professional association for international business and economics with an exclusive focus on the study of economics, administration, leadership and industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. The organization has members in thirty countries.



Local agreements

The Colombian Network of International Professionals (RCPI ) was founded in June 2005 as a result of a request from the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar and EAFIT University to ten leading programs at the national level involved in the training of international professional at undergraduate level. The courses involved include International Trade, International Business and Administration of International Business.

La Red Colombiana de Relaciones Internacionales, Redintercol, tiene el objetivo de fortalecer los estudios internacionales en Colombia, establecer flujos y conductos regulares de comunicación entre profesores e investigadores de diversos programas de relaciones internacionales que existen en el país, e incidir positivamente en los debates nacionales sobre los temas internacionales. Redintercol existe bajo el paraguas institucional de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencia Política, Accpol.


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Última modificación: 03/08/2010 17:40