Mayo 29, 2015
![Job Openings Full Time Professor in Finance](/escuelas/economiayfinanzas/noticias-eventos/PublishingImages/1_Banner_Web.jpg)
The School of Economics and Finance at EAFIT University - a private University located in the heart of Medellin, Colombia - is inviting applications for two full-time permanent positions in the Department of Finance, in the areas of Corporate Finance and/or Financial Markets. Linking professors to the Department of Finance aims to support its growth strategies and strengthening in the fields of research, teaching, and eventually academic management and consulting.
Graduated Ph.D. in Finance, Economics, Management, Statistics or related areas are preferred for the Associate and Full professor positions and Ph.D. candidates will be considered for Auxiliar/Assistant Professor position. A track record of peer-reviewed publications is desirable, but we will also consider graduating applicants with a strong research agenda for the Assistant Professor position. Fluency in Spanish and English is preferred, although strong candidates with good Spanish communication skills are also encouraged to apply. The duties of both positions contain research in Finance and teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition to offering the only M.Sc. in Finance in Colombia, an M.A. in Finance, and strong undergraduate programs in Economics and Finance, EAFIT University is also a frontrunner for Colombia in terms of financial research.
The closing date for this position is: Friday, 12 June 2015
For detailed information about the opening, please
click here