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Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500

Institucional / 10/11/2016

EAFIT signs cooperation agreement with TU Delft

 This way, throughout a period of five years, these two institutions will consolidate a joint research plan. ​

​The University has signed a cooperation alliance with TU Deft in the Netherlands with the goal of establishing a joint research plan for students at the PhD level.

​The University has signed a cooperation alliance with TU Deft in the Netherlands with the goal of establishing a joint research plan for students at the PhD level.  The agreement will be administrated by the School of Sciences of EAFIT and by the Faculties of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of Delft University of Technology.

The common objective of both institutions is to promote and develop an exchange of scientific knowledge through the movement of its researchers, and the cooperation between the two research groups and their PhD students. This is how the agreement between Universidad EAFIT and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) of the Netherlands will start off.

This way, throughout a period of five years, these two institutions will consolidate a joint research plan. In EAFIT's case, the PhD program in Mathematical Engineering and its Mathematical Modeling research group will benefit greatly from this agreement.

The main concern is the joint supervision of doctoral degree work, so that the PhD students of both universities who sign this alliance will be able to obtain a double degree. The details refer to:

Co-supervision of student's doctoral degree work

Develop a joint thesis, in English, by students of both universities. The student will be accompanied by an advisor of each university in order to carry out the project.

Only submitted and registered students

The students who what to participate in the program should be admitted and registered in the PhD programs of both universities and should remain in the project, for at least two years. Their thesis should be presented and approved by both institutions.

Scientific and research support

Support for the research works and the thesis of the PhD student will proceed from the research group of Mathematical Physics of TU Delft and the research group of Mathematical Modeling of Universidad EAFIT. The research line to develop would be in systems and control, with emphasis in assimilation techniques for state data and parameter estimations.

For the next semester, how about a forgivable loan of wisdom?

Extending educational borders is a program that allow, residents of Medellín, to co-finance their postgraduate education (master's, doctoral and postdoctoral studies) in the institutions of the city. 

Última modificación: 13/03/2017 10:57

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