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Inicio de sesión
Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 # 7 sur -50 Medellín Antioquia Colombia
Carrera 12 # 96-23, oficina 304 Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia
(57)(4) 2619500


1. Which are the minimum requirements to enroll in the program?

General Requirements

Having an e-mail account currently available in order to facilitate the communication.
Minimun knowledge about internet navigation.
Anotation: The first week of the program introduces the participant to the platform's usage, so they learn how to potencialize its usability and interact properly with class-mates and tutors.

Technical Requirements:
Internet connection: Modem, CABLE, ADSL or faster.
Operating System (OS): Windows 2000, Windows XP or superior.
Minimum computer features: 256 MB RAM memory, Intel Pentium III processor (or equivalent), and graphics card: SVGA, 800x600 pixels, 256 colors.
Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape 7.0, Opera 8 or superior.

2. Which learning resources will I receive in this program?

All the learning resources are available at the Platform 'EAFIT interactiva', where they can be consulted and/or downloaded easily at any time.

3. How many hours should I invest for the succesful completion of this online program?

This program is designed for the participant to spend about 8 hours per week, thus the activities can be properly developed.

4. Can I enroll in the program without having any previous experiences with e-learning courses?

Yes. The tool we use is called EAFIT Interactiva, a technological platform with a straightforward and friendly interface, customized for students and tutors. Detailed directions for the platform's usage, will be provided during the first week of the course.

5. When shall I sign-in to the platform?

The platform is available continuously throughout the whole program, which allows the participant entering whenever they plan to study.

6. How can I make payments?

  • Electronic payment with debit or credit card. (Mastercard, Visa, Credencial, Diners, AMEX). In order to proceed with these payment methods, please fill the 'Additional Information and Pre-inscription form' appearing at the right side of the screen.
  • Deposit on behalf of 'Universidad EAFIT", BANCOLOMBIA checking account number: 001-9013891-2: In the form 'pagacuentas' fill the field 'referencia' with the participant's name and ID, and the field "concepto", with the name of the program or event. The deposit must be sent to the fax: 4) 268 25 99, writing down clearly the name and ID document of the participant.
  • Company's commitment letter confirming the enrollment with the participant's information and authorizing the 'Universidad EAFIT' the sending of an invoice to be paid within a 30 day period after the program's starting date. Public sector entities needing a receipt, must send a copy of the resolution and the respective budgetary reserve, to the fax: (4) 268 25 99.
  • To make payments if you are not in Colombia, please check the following document (Spanish only):


7. How many people attend per each group?

The maximum number of participants per group, is 30.

8. If my company is interested in taking the program, are we elegible for group discounts?

From 16 people on, institutions or companies are eligible for discounts. See 'Investment and payment systems' section.

9. How can I enroll in this program?

Filling out the 'Additional Information and pre-inscription form' at the right side of the screen.

10. If I don't start the program on time, can I join the program later?

This option is not recommended because each partipant's achievements depend strictly on the interaction with the rest of the group.

11. If I have a trip, family event, or any personal matter that would force me to interrupt my participation in the program for about 2-3 weeks, can I still take it?

Yes. We know that the participants might have several external demands which in cases will be imperative. The program is not conceived as a resignation to real-life, but as a tool useful to make it easier. If you anticipate an interruption upon your participation, please let the tutors know in order to take proper measures, and successfully finish the course.

12. Is this program also offered in campus?

This program is only available online.

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Última modificación: 05/07/2012 16:17